These days I don't have much time to read, but I made a deal with myself at the beginning of the summer to read at least three books -- one for each month. My pick for June was A Painted House by John Grisham (a must read). July's was Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin (an amazing and inspiring story). And now in August, I'm reading Angle of Repose. I'm not quite finished but with what I've read so far, I recommend it highly. It was written in 1972 and earned the author, Wallace Stegner, a Pulitzer Prize. There are so many things with which I can identify -- a female artist's struggles with her career vs. motherhood, a wheelchair-bound father, an ancestral home unappreciated, the "Doppler Effect," the importance of character, and the constant discovery of what it takes to make a marriage work. If you've never read it, put it on your list. It is eloquent and descriptive.
"...they clung together like two particles rolling down a hill into their future until they reached their angle of repose."
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