My youngest daughter is a sophomore in college who is scrimping and saving her hard-earned cash for a trip to India. For Valentine's Day, I received a red envelope from her... inside was the above, a torn-out page of a magazine.
There are so many things about this gift that I love:
First is the GUY in the photo himself -- Jon Hamm (Don Draper in Mad Men). Hmmm yummy, swoon-swoon, pant-pant... 'nuff said!
Next is the fact that my daughter didn't want me to be FORGOTTEN on Valentine's Day. She knew I would miss my sweetheart -- her Dad -- on this special day.
Then is her CREATIVITY which constantly amazes me... this inexpensive gift was better than any hot-house flowers, gourmet candy, or store-bought card I could have received.
And instead of giving something to remind me of my alone-ness, this gift made me LAUGH out loud with the best belly-laugh ever!
Most of all though, I love fact that she knew what my reaction would be. She gets me, she KNOWS me so well. That fact makes me smile a lot.
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