By now you know I love all things Beatles. Can't help it. Raised on it. Part of my DNA.
Although Hey Jude was written in 1968, for me it came to life in the Fall of 1970 and represents high school football. Every time I hear it I'm taken back in time to cool crisp autumn nights; the rustle of pom-poms; white knee socks with saddle oxfords; the combined smell of Woodhue, English Lavender, and Shalimar; and the thrilling feeling I got seeing cute boys in helmets and pads. My pep squad sang Hey Jude ad nauseam on the school bus as we rode to and from games. We sang it for what seemed like hours, for sure longer than the record's length -- 7 minutes and 11 seconds! We sang it over and over and over, always imparting our own ending: "...hey, hey, hey, Northwood High!" We sang it with anticipation before the game, with enthusiasm when we won, and with sadness like a death march when we lost.
I got this graph off the SWISSMISS blog... so cool.
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