I've decided I need an attitude adjustment. I'm in a funk. Have you ever had that kind of week? When you feel like you are free-falling into a deep hole? When you realize there isn't even a glimmer of light at the end of your dark tunnel? And you get a bad feeling that it's not going to end anytime soon? Well, that's where I am and I'm in a foul mood because of it. I am definitely not fun to be around.
It is paradigm shifting time. I woke up this morning and decided that I need a change. I refuse to waste one more moment on this gloom and doom mood. Thanksgiving -- my absolute favorite holiday -- will soon be here and I am missing all the fun of anticipating what's to come: outdoor walks in the beautiful Fall weather, once-a-year delicious Thanksgiving turkey and dressing and giblet gravy and cranberry salad, great college football, and the four-day luxury of being with those I love the most!
This morning before Miss M awoke, I sat down with a freshly brewed cup of jo and wrote a list of things that would help reframe my brain. The list ended up in two columns -- dos and don'ts. Number One on my list of "dos" was to find things that make me laugh... you know, "the best medicine." Bill Cosby's old comedy albums really crack me up... his routines can produce the laugh-so-hard-that-you-cry-and-pee-in your-pants kind of results. The Grandparents skit from the Bill Cosby Himself album, circa 1982, is epic. Surely this will jump start my change in attitude!
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