I just want to say that I hate Daylight Saving Time. For some reason this year it has a hold on me that I can't shake off.
Every Spring we move our clocks one hour ahead and "lose" an hour during the night. Each Fall we move our clocks back one hour and "gain" an extra hour. But Daylight Saving Time (no, it's not Daylight Savings Time with an "s") wasn't just created to confuse our schedules. "The change to Daylight Saving Time allows us to use less energy in lighting our homes by taking advantage of the longer and later daylight hours."
I'm not doing a good job of springing forward. I may use less energy lighting my home at night, but it also means I use more energy lighting it in the morning! To the DST gods: I do not need the extra hour of sunlight at the end of the day... what I need is the extra hour of darkness in the morning! Give me a break!
You know what's going to happen, don't you? In the Fall -- in eight months -- when it's time to fall back, I'm going to write how happy I am with Daylight Saving Time.
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