I've decided that I must not be producing Aphrodisin -- you know, the protein that is tightly bound to my pheromones, the real chemical signals that say "come to me!" I haven't been "hot" lately so I guess men aren't responding to my airborne sexual sweat messages. God knows I haven't been going around sniffing male armpits! And since I don't have periods anymore, I'm not susceptible to the McClintock Effect either (the pheromones that readjust women's menstrual cycles so that they are in sync with each other). Did you know that your VNO -- vomeronasal organ also known as Jacobson's organ -- is located between your nose and mouth... it is the first stage of your accessory olfactory system which is the pheromone receptor. So if pheromones are the clue to the compelling mystery of attraction between men and women, why isn't more research done to measure this form of sexual chemistry? Doesn't it stand to reason that spraying yourself with a delightful-smelling, pheromone-filled perfume might be easier than stuffing yourself with oysters? Just wondering.
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